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What is noise fencing and what are its types?

Noise Fence

Is your house or office located near the roadside, or are you tired from the loud sounds coming from the houses of your neighbors or are you sick and tired of the sounds coming from the playground near the house? If your answer to all these questions is YES, then it is time for you to think for installing the noise fencing around your property to get rid of this problem. In simple words, noise fencing is the same as security fencing installed on the exterior portion of your property. The only difference is that where the security fencing restricts the entrance of unwanted people inside your property, the noise fencing restricts the entrance of irritating sounds in your property. Thus, offering you a peaceful environment inside your home or office.

You will agree that in recent years there has been a dynamic increase in the number of vehicles on roads, development of playing grounds near houses and residential apartments, construction of industries and houses near railway tracks, etc, all of which are responsible for creating the excess of noise which sometimes becomes difficult to bear. Moving ahead nowadays as a person has to move from one place to another due to personal and professional responsibilities he has to travel within the excessive traffic and sounds of vehicle, which starts affecting his health if he has to work in the same condition regularly.

Due to continuous stay in the noise prone area, there is a decline in the working efficiency of a person. Going through this reason there is a regular increase in the number of patients suffering from physical problems like hypertension, hearing problems, headache, diabetes, improper sleeping, and many more.

According to a report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) the sound level fifty decibels (50dBA) is harmful to a normal person despite their age and sex. Unfortunately, today all of us are compelled to live in the atmosphere in which we have to survive the atmosphere where the level of sound is above the recommended decibels. Interestingly, installing the noise fencing helps in restricting the excess of sound and allows only the interior sound to move inside your property, without being mixed with the exterior sound.

Working of Noise Fencing

The waves generated from the sound travels in a straight direction and therefore it can be reflected or refracted or conducted by placing an obstacle on its way. Keeping this factor in concern the noise fencing is developed from a robust material that reflects or refracts the sound according to the properties inherited in the material used for developing the fencing. This fencing not only helps in restricting the sounds coming from the external sources but also from the environmental sources like thundering clouds, windstorm, etc.

What is noise fencing and what are its types?

Types of Noise Fencing

Although there are different types of noise fencing available in the market, the common types of fencing mainly regarded suitable for all types of properties are wooden fencing, concrete soundproof fencing, and metallic fencing.

  1. Wooden Fencing: As the name suggests this type of fencing is developed from the wooden material and plays an important role in controlling the sounds coming from your street and neighbourhood. Going through this reason the manufacturers use thick wood for restricting the entrance of annoying sounds in your property. Normally the use of cedar and redwood is regarded best for developing this type of fencing. While installing the wooden fencing make sure that no space or a hole is left within the joints as they may be interrupted in your desire of peaceful environment at your home. This fencing is a cost-effective way of controlling the entrance of sound in your house or office, the problem with them is that compare to another noise fencing they are prone to wear and tear after a short time due to environmental changes.
  2. Concrete noise fencing: Undoubtedly concrete is the strongest material available on the planet and therefore used for developing our large properties. Developing concrete fencing from stones and bricks can be regarded as the most effective way to control the sound waves from moving inside your house. The use of concrete extracted from rocks with a combination of other materials results in the development of the strong noise fencing.
  3. Metal Fencing: This type of fencing can be regarded as the most expensive fencing among different types of fencing available in the market. Installing the double-layered metal fencing strictly offers the superior quality of soundproof solution for your property. The only thing that you need to keep in concern while installing this type of fencing is that it should be water-resistant and erosion resistant.

Apart from these main three types of noise fencing, brushwood is also one of the commonly used fencings for controlling the effects of sound. This type of fencing uses little branches, twigs, and different materials that are supposed to offer relaxation from the loud sounds to a huge extent. To enjoy the benefits of this fencing they should have the thickness of almost 60 cm.

In short, it can be said that installing the noise fencing can prove to be a robust way to control noise pollution and enjoy a peaceful environment in your house or office.